8 - Jan - 2021

All Keyboard Shortcuts For Linux Terminal?

Ctrl + Alt + T :

Use This Shortcut Key to Open Linux Terminal Inside Your Laptop || Pc || Machine.

All Shoctkeys In Linux Terminal:

  • Ctrl + L: Clears the screen, similar to the clear command in the terminal.
  • Ctrl + S: Stop all output to the screen. When You run Commands with longs output. But You don't stop it.
  • Tab: tab Help Automatic Fill Your Name.
  • Ctrl + A: Cursor goes to Start Of Word
  • Ctrl + E: Cursor goes to End Of Word.
  • Ctrl + F: Move the cursor forward one by one character.
  • Ctrl + B: Move the Cursor backward one by one Character.
  • Alt + F: Move the cursor forward one by one Word.
  • Alt + B: Move the Cursor backward one by one Word.
  • Alt + U: Change Character or Word Into Uppercase.
  • Alt + l: Change Character Or Word Into Lower Case.
  • Alt + T: Swap the last two words before the cursor.
  • Alt + C: Use Capitalize Words.
  • Alt + D: Delete to end of word starting at the cursor
  • Ctrl + K: Cut Word/Line from the current position to the end of the line. Also, adding it to the clipboard, use ctrl + y to paste it again.
  • Ctrl + W: Delete the word before the Cursor Position. Also, adding it to the clipboard, use ctrl + y paste on it.
  • Ctrl + Y: Paste the last thing from the clipboard that you cut recently.
  • Ctrl + D: Delete Character By Character.
  • Ctrl + T: Remove White Space.
  • Ctrl + Shift + W: close terminal tab.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Q: close the entire terminal.
  • Shift+Ctrl + N: Open New Window.
  • Shift + Ctrl +T: Open New Tab In Window.
  • Shift + Ctrl + W: Close Tab.
  • Shift + Ctrl + Q: Close Window.
  • Shift + Ctrl + C: Use For Copy Text Inside Terminal.
  • Shift + Ctrl + V: Paste Text Inside Terminal.
  • Shift + Ctrl + +: Zoom In.
  • Shift + Ctrl + -: Zoom Out
  • Shift + Ctrl + ): Zoom Reset
  • Shift + Ctrl + I: Add Name Off Each Open Tab.


If i Forget Some Keyboard Shortcuts, and You Do Not find them on this page so Tell me in the comment box.

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